Welcome to the WIIU Iowa homepage!

October 16, 2009 1 comment

Welcome to the homepage of WIIU and its Iowa activities. The immediate goal of the WIIU is to build a union for ALL workers. The WIIU organizes industrially as opposed to organizing by trade. In other words all workers in the same industry are organized into one union. All industries are organized into the One Great Union of all workers. By organizing by industry, and ultimately into the One Great Union, we allot ourselves more bargaining power – as a single united force – than we would otherwise be able to achieve if we were divided into numerous trades and crafts.

The long term goal of the WIIU is to organize and prepare workers to one day take possession of the tools of production and begin building a new society where producing for the well being of humanity will take the place of production for profits.

This site is currently under construction. Please bear with us as we add more content and functionality over the coming days and weeks.

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